Friday, July 31, 2020
10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Start Getting Important Stuff Done!
10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Start Getting Important Stuff Done! About a year ago, I decided it was time to create a customer service survey. So I went on line, found a surveying program and created some questions. I even went so far as to show it to my business coach, Susan Thomson, to get her feedback. She made some suggestions which I incorporated. Then I did what so many of us do mid-project, which was to sit on my butt. The survey sat there, all dressed up and nowhere to go. I didn’t send it to a single soul. Things go that way sometimes. I have a flip camera, for instance, that I bought two years ago and used for the first time… ummm… a month ago. Even then, I did not post the video I took with the camera. There are also certain collections of notes and papers â€" the ones I’m not sure what to do with â€" that gather dust in piles. And my new printer sat in its box on the floor of my office for a week before I finally pulled it out and set it up. All these tasks, and more, live in the realm of “Important, not Urgent,†one of the four quadrants identified by Steven Covey in his best-selling business management book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Often, until something happens to make one of these items urgent (such as I need to print something and I can’t get my old printer to work), I am likely to procrastinate completing the task. Letting “Important, not Urgent†tasks fall by the wayside leads to a high-pressure life. If I wait until an item is urgent before doing it, then I set myself up for stress. Everything is always urgent! Plus I never get things done that would make a huge difference for me or my business, even though they might be high-priority tasks. Surveying my customers is one of those items that is highly important for my business, but not urgent. It will never get done if I wait for it to become urgent. I have found a few tricks that help me break through the wall of resistance that keeps “Important, not Urgent†things from getting done. 1. Take stock. Identify what’s important. Every quarter, I attend a meeting of small businesses through a business coaching organization, ActionCOACH. During these quarterly workdays, we go through exercises that are hugely valuable in getting perspective on our business priorities. This past January, client contact and assessment came up as a high priority for The Essay Expert. When I created my calendar of tasks to complete over the quarter, my stagnating client survey came up high on the list of things to do. 2. Break it down. Important tasks often seem overwhelming because they are multi-faceted. If I can break the tasks down into small, attackable pieces, then I stop feeling overwhelmed. I know I can do something like “Call virtual assistant to talk about survey options.†It’s so much less intimidating than “Survey all my past clients.†3. Put it on the calendar. If my calendar tells me to “Prepare survey†or “create list of emails for survey recipients†at a certain date and time, I will either do it at that date and time or reschedule it so it gets done. I am a slave to my calendar and that’s a good thing. After my quarterly workday in January, survey-related tasks went onto my calendar. They started to get done. [This calendaring system is how I get my blog written every week as well. It’s on my calendar, so I do it!] 4. Make promises to other people. Create accountability! In my January blog article, The Essay Expert’s New Year’s “Ressaylutionsâ€- Completing 2011 and Creating 2012, I promised you that I would be sending out a client survey. Suddenly I became accountable to someone else. Since I wanted to announce at the end of 2012 that I did what I promised, I got into action! 5. Get help. It didn’t take me long to realize that I was not going to do this survey thing on my own. So I got help. My new virtual assistant, Jeanne, handled some of the logistical pieces of getting the survey finalized and sent out. I asked my web designer to take care of creating a new email address,, for purposes of administering the survey. Getting the support I needed accelerated the project tremendously. 6. Know the tools at your disposal. If you’re sending out a survey, it helps to use Survey Monkey. If you want to get piles of notes and papers off your desk, it helps to use a scanner and the brilliant cloud-based note-organizing program Evernote ( If you draw on your resources, you will almost always find an easier and/or alternative way to do what you’ve been putting off. Ask around. Be on the lookout for new tools and techniques. Those overwhelming tasks might not be as complicated as you had imagined. 7. Take action. It always comes down to just doing it. If I don’t take action, then regardless of how many action items are on my calendar, I won’t get results. If I take action, especially well-considered action (see #1-6), I have a fighting chance! 8. Keep taking action. This item might sound a lot like #7. But it’s different. Someone very smart said that the secret to getting results in life is to keep taking action until you get them. You might take initial action, not get the result you want, and promptly give up. The key to getting important stuff done is to stay in action even when things look like they’re not working or not going fast enough. If you give up on taking action, you give up on your results. 9. Take responsibility. Whether your important tasks are getting done or not, you are the one who is responsible for the situation. Blaming outside circumstances (“The survey program wouldn’t let me ask the questions I wanted to ask!†or “I don’t have time!â€) will stall you out. In the survey project, many things interrupted me and presented obstacles. I chose to find a way around them. 10. Celebrate! I am going to celebrate getting my survey out. Sure, there will be a whole set of new tasks to conquer when this one is complete. But first it’s time to acknowledge what got done. And it IS going out!! Step by step, with lots of support along the way, I completed this important task. If you are a past client, you probably got an email yesterday requesting that you complete The Essay Expert’s client survey. If not, please take some time to respond now. TEE Client Survey. I look forward to being able to report on the results! I’d love to hear what tasks you are putting off that might get done if you put the eight items above into action. What progress will you be able to celebrate three months from now?
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Free Term Papers on Plate by TECICS
<h1>Free Term Papers on Plate by TECICS</h1><p>TECICS (Terms and Concepts in Learning and Teaching) is the most far reaching schedule for students of English in Australia. This far reaching course permits you to ace all parts of the language, notwithstanding learning the fundamental commonsense aptitudes and scholastic information required by the individuals who wish to enter the esteemed college calling. TECICS is the climax of quite a while of experience educating and preparing English instructors and has been intended to make the most reasonable schedule for the individuals who need to consider English in Australia. This exhaustive schedule will assist you with pushing ahead in your training with confidence.</p><p></p><p>The prospectus comprises of nine modules that spread the subject of Te?iics and have been planned so as to viably achieve change in both the scholastic and individual territories of an understudy's life. The modules are is olated into five sections, which are additionally partitioned into 30 units of study. Inside every unit there is a unit of study which depends on a specific topic.</p><p></p><p>In this respect, an understudy can browse eight unique subjects of intrigue. The subjects secured incorporate the issues encompassing sex, sexuality, racial segregation, which have been explicitly intended to consider these variables in showing the English language. While, every other unit of study will be similarly adjusted between showing the understudies to peruse and compose the English language and useful skills.</p><p></p><p>These are the four basic themes for every module: Homework, Language Center, Grammar, and AP. These will empower you to ace every one of these regions through two basic and compelling learning strategies. These methods are a unique program of improving your insight just as giving chances to unconstrained activity.</p><p>< ;/p><p>You will be shown the most ideal approach to improve your abilities in language structure by taking AP questions intended to improve one's jargon and spelling aptitudes. Along these lines you will get familiar with the ability of building up your aptitudes by mirroring local speakers. This is an energizing and instructive approach to improve your English writing.</p><p></p><p>Then, you will be encouraged the capacity to make your own paper by taking free online practice tests, which will assist you with idealizing your language aptitudes. As you advance through your research projects you will build up an attention to the guidelines of language structure. As you progress, you will end up handling harder, better paper material.</p><p></p><p>You will be tried in your composition and understanding abilities and scored dependent on the outcomes. An outcome is given when an understudy finishes a research project with a decent generally speaking evaluation. Toward the finish of the research project, the educator will look at the understudy's information. By doing this, they will have the option to decide whether your grip of the subject has improved through the span of the term paper.</p><p></p><p>The research projects are offered by your earlier comprehension of the subject and different necessities. You will at that point be told the best way to apply these ideas in your articles. There is another arrangement of modules intended for TECICS called EMBASSIC, which expect to give the best technique for upgrading the comprehension of AP English creation inside the study hall environment.</p>
Friday, July 10, 2020
Writing a Good Thesis
<h1>Writing a Good Thesis</h1><p>Writing a decent theory is imperative to assist you with getting into your doctoral program. Actually, it is one of the most significant pieces of your scholastic life. It is where you first part with all the data that is critical to you and when you start to part with that data, you will be parting with it for good.</p><p></p><p>Writing a decent proposal should start with finding out about your subject. What are the key things you will examine? What makes your work special and not the same as different works that have been written in the field?</p><p></p><p>Strongly stress your work here and there. You should express your techniques obviously and succinctly. Depict why you accept your techniques are better than others. The main role of the proposal is to feature your own expertise.</p><p></p><p>Be sure to talk about a portion of the key parts of your field, the ones that are remarkable to it. Make your proposal important and chip away at the basic thinking perspective about the venture. Express the reasons why you trust you are better than others in your field and what you did to achieve this information. The zone you are keen on probably won't be all that you are equipped for taking care of; along these lines, this piece of the archive will show you the profundity of your enthusiasm for that specific area.</p><p></p><p>Always raise one of the key part of your subject matter. It could be your exploration or something that truly helped you en route that is significant to other people. A decent proposal won't just give you how great you are at your field, yet it will likewise permit others to become familiar with what you need to offer.</p><p></p><p>Make a solid initial articulation that gives the perusers an establishment of the information you need to pass on. This can be a genuine case of a decent postulation: 'My exploration in the field of nourishing sustenance has carried me closer to knowing the key components of the procedure. I need to discover how this may influence the field.'</p><p></p><p>Always sum up and clarify your outcomes. This piece of the proposition is your verification of your exploration. Give some proof to the significance of the subject and the amount you need to add to the field.</p><p></p><p>Finally, composing a decent postulation can be a serious test, particularly in the event that you are not very acquainted with the subject. Recall that individuals who are not specialists in their fields of aptitude might have the option to comprehend the data you give, yet they will require some an ideal opportunity to process and, after its all said and done, they may not comprehend it totally. In this way, on the off chance that you are experiencing difficulty thinking of a decent proposition, don't feel ter rible, it will happen to numerous people.</p>
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
What Is Good Writing?
<h1>What Is Good Writing?</h1><p>A individual paper can be utilized as a methods for beginning a discussion, and furthermore a chance to impart a knowledge or feeling to your crowd. Having a decent feeling of what great composing is, can help ensure that your exposition doesn't get exhausting, baffling or repetitive.</p><p></p><p>Good composing is about consistency. Attempt to make sure to be as clear and direct in what you need to state and to maintain your core interest. On the off chance that the data isn't adequate, or on the off chance that it is introduced in a conflicting manner, it will lose its importance and won't probably get a high score from the audience.</p><p></p><p>Good composing ought to incorporate the utilization of language and accentuation. Legitimate utilization of syntax and spelling will help keep blunders from being abused and help fortify the significance of the content. It is essential to mai ntain a strategic distance from incorrect spellings, yet attempt to compose utilizing your best exertion at spelling. Be predictable and exact with the utilization of spelling.</p><p></p><p>Good composing doesn't mean in printing out an exposition with the assistance of a PC. Rather, it implies having a thought of what great composing is. That implies the utilization of a PC yet don't go excessively far. You ought to in any event give it a try.</p><p></p><p>Although look into is an extraordinary method to find out about the theme, you should in any case study and research before beginning. By contemplating and inquiring about already, you are not constrained by the data you get past looking into. For example, you won't be constrained to what has been looked into, yet rather you can investigate the points further on the off chance that you wish.</p><p></p><p>Not every close to home articles will require research and composing, however they ought to consistently require the utilization of a PC. That is on the grounds that great composing is subject to research and composing; it is about how you bring the thoughts you have and assembled them to compose and deliver an essay.</p><p></p><p>Knowing the things that you have to concentrate on and how to try the examination you have are keys to acceptable composition. Great composing can just originate from research and practice. The utilization of a PC to look into, sort out and compose is likewise another key to great writing.</p>
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